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Dr. Malcolm Betruger / Maledict tipo de personalidade mbti

Dr. Malcolm Betruger / Maledict tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Dr. Malcolm Betruger / Maledict? Dr. Malcolm Betruger / Maledict es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 8w7 - - 835 en enneagram, en Big 5, EIE en Socionics."

In the scenes we saw Betruger he's clearly not social involved which can be part of an ENTJ with no problems but it looks like he really has an inferior Se with a permanent Ni behaviour. In the conversations he had with Elliot Swan he was really in his mind with the plan he was plotting and its future effectiveness. Also in all the gameplay (including the expansion aside the final fight) he avoids a physical approach with the personnel or the marine which makes me think his immaturity in Se. I would be agree if it is an ENTJ Choleric-Melancholic with 0 social approach but i find in him more Ni than Te and an Inferior Se. Maybe his plans in someway searchs for Fi satisfaction.


Dr. Malcolm Betruger is the main antagonist of both Doom 3, Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil and Doom: Annihilation. In Resurrection of Evil, he returns as part of a flying gargoyle-like demon named the Maledict and is leading the forces of Hell. #CompleteMonster

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