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Video Games tipo de personalidade mbti

Video Games tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Video Games? Video Games es un tipo de personalidad INTP en mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - 953 en enneagram, RLUEN en Big 5, LII en Socionics."

There are "athletics" that take even less effort mentally and physically and fall in athletics category, chess is also one just with more or less mental effort since the rules are more simple and the field is small, strategy is taken into account, there are also professional players and compete for places in different tournaments, it's all about mental effort and muscle memory, for example League of Legends, soon enough videogames with virtual reality will also turn into tournaments, seen in movies lately, will become a reality, it's inevitable, it adds up decent physical effort and coordination, adds up other qualities if playing in multiplayer as a team, it's very stimulating for the brain as long as it's controlled and not taken to extremes just like any other discipline. Now INTP most likely because they tend to be attracted more to videogames than other types, I myself can say I've found tons of INTPs in videogames including my very best friend who is INTP.

