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Social Justice Warriors tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Social Justice Warriors? Social Justice Warriors es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - 514 en enneagram, RLUEI en Big 5, ILI en Socionics."

Social junk wannabe can ruin everyone's creativity you want to create a story? You need to add Represention or else you are Racist/Sexist/XXXPhobic it about Good character Good lore Good Story. Adding represention Doesn't make it better there is nothing wrong for having or wanting represention all i want is creative story and character with good plot Example : a CHARACTER happend to be gay/black not a GAY/BLACK character. and please don't go judge or send a pointless threat to the author just because they doesn't represention your race / gender / sexuality. Also Changing character's race for represention is not ok. You want balck represention but The character is white? Let theme be and create your own black character instead of changing theme it just bad as changing black character to white character or even better go create your own story instead. Basically write whatever you want. FIction are Fiction they're not wrong or right Don't let the other put you down but if you want to write problematic stuff better put a warning on your story. ------- You want the minority to be accepted and claims to help or support the humans right but the only thing you do is shitting and screaming around when other people have different opinions form you that not what equality and supporting mean that the whole ass psychopathic and childish behavior. Don't call yourself a "woke" if you keep blindly trashing on majority and not even know the actule meaning of the progressive.


A "Social Justice Warrior" (or SJW) is a person or individual who promotes socially liberal and progressive points of view, including viewpoints that promote and praise feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism. The phrase originated in the late 20th century as a neutral or positive term for people engaged in social justice activism. In 2011, when the term first appeared on Twitter, it changed from a primarily positive term to an overwhelmingly negative one. During the Gamergate controversy, the negative connotation gained increased usage over-shadowing its earlier origin.
