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  3. Historical Figures (1700s)

Benjamin Lay tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Benjamin Lay? Benjamin Lay es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 4w3 - sx/so - 478 en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

First and foremost, my vote is biased. I am fanboying hard and want him to be my type. I am reading books about him as we speak, so I will update my vote if I see the Ni. For now, I just see giga Fi and that sx/so shock and awe, melodramatic theatre. "He threw off his overcoat to reveal his military uniform. The crowd gasped. He raised the book above his head, unsheathed his sword, and declared: ‘God will take vengeance on those who oppress their fellow creatures.’ He ran his sword through the book. The bladder exploded in a gush of blood, spattering the slaveholders sitting nearby. A group of Quaker men grabbed up Lay – he did not resist – and threw him out of the meeting house into the street. The soldier of God had delivered a chilling prophecy: slaveowning would destroy the Quaker faith."

