Heather Crow tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Heather Crow? Heather Crow es un tipo de personalidad ESFP en mbti, - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

Heather Crow is a character in Oasis that represents the element of greed(silver). For an overview - she’s the eldest daughter of a celebrity couple, raised with wealth and fame alongside her younger brother Romeo, therefore she probs would get a personality of somewhat of a mixture between a sweetheart and an average brat, overall she’s got a very assertive, sassy, yet cute demeanor, she’s pretty nice, easygoing, kind hearted, and protective, yet still spoiled(she’s kinda like Rarity and Charolette from Princess and the Frog). She’s a polyglot, excel at many subjects and of course that includes music, plays two instrument such as piano and violin - aside from that she’s also very smart and got some wisdom with her ; her dream is to become a star or a billionaire girl boss - she fits the arc of a “tomboy with girly girl streak”, apparently she likes girly things and dress like a true lady, but her personality is quite chaotic and tomboyish, and I imagine her personality is very similar to Princess Ariel. Her birthday is July 10th making her a Cancer ; in my show characters don’t usually have rising or moon sign but judging by her personality I’m going to assign her Sagittarius rising.


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