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  3. Scrambled

Valent Rafaelt tipo de personalidade mbti

Valent Rafaelt tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Valent Rafaelt? Valent Rafaelt es un tipo de personalidad ISTP en mbti, 5w6 - sx/sp - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

His Ti-Se is really obvious especially on one scene in the mini comic when other woman (I forgot who the woman is) thinks he's thinking about mysterious thing and Valent just thinks about what he'll eat for dinner wwww. Also his sarcastic words is really Ti-Ni


Valent Rafaelt considered as a very attractive and mysterious guy. Little people know he actually a laid back and sarcastic person. In Scrambled: Journeylism, he's on the list of the 5 most popular boys at school that Visi soon interview. He join the Red cross club in the school. He has an excellent voice, also has a remarkable skill at playing bass and piano which make him as the bassist, vocalist, and pianist in the band Scrambled

Histórias em quadrinhos caracteres semelhantes a Valent Rafaelt
