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Charles Bronson tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Charles Bronson? Charles Bronson es un tipo de personalidad ISTP en mbti, 6w5 - sp/sx - 683 en enneagram, RCOEN en Big 5, LSI en Socionics."

Strong quiet type. Very deep down insecure ... Hmmm.... What it could be?


Charles Bronson (born Charles Dennis Buchinsky; Lithuanian: Karolis Dionyzas Bučinskis; November 3, 1921 – August 30, 2003) was a Lithuanian-American actor. He was often cast in the role of a police officer, gunfighter, or vigilante in revenge-oriented plot lines, had long-term collaborations with film directors Michael Winner and J. Lee Thompson, and appeared in fifteen films with his second wife Jill Ireland.

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