Ares tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Ares? Ares es un tipo de personalidad ESTP en mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 873 en enneagram, SLUEN en Big 5, en Socionics."

How is Ares an ENTJ at all? I don't see any Te or Fi in him. (Spoilers Ahead) Se Dominant: Ares is probably the most Se Dominant character in the whole series, I'd say even moreso than Zeus. Ares sees everything in a material sense and doesn't care about things he can't perceive. He riles people up not because its his own idea of order or because he wants to see what will happen, he does it simply because he enjoys it. Just about every situation he enters, he's focused on the external reality rather than any external fact, internal functions or personal values. Ti Auxiliary: His Ti is apparent in how he uses his own logic to approach the world. One moment that I could clearly see this is when he's upset over Aphrodite's marriage and brushes off Hades' reassurance. When Hades tells him it will be fine, Ares picks apart the statement with his own reason and uses it to show his own perspective; which is that he thinks its nonsense and Hades can easily say it because he's with the person he loves. Another moment when it can be seen is when he loses his temper with Zeus after he slept with Aphrodite. He makes a point to state something that doesn't make sense to him, which is that Zeus can do whatever he wants and not be called out on it. Tertiary Fe: I'm surprised by how few people see this. Ares does have Fe, but he almost never uses it healthily. His Fe comes to light with his powers to detect people's anger and magnify it. I'm not saying his power is Fe, I'm saying that he uses Fe with his power to read people's emotions and base his own actions off of them. However, he chooses to use it to manipulate others and rile people up for his own amusement. Inferior Ni: This manifests itself in the minimal regard Ares has for consequences. He doesn't think, he acts and doesn't really care what will happen next. One of the first appearances we have of him is him chasing Zeus and actively trying to burn him alive. Not a wise move to conduct towards the king of the gods. Even with his plan to try and seduce Persephone, he only thinks of the actions he needs to take to get a result, he doesn't consider the overall picture that Demeter will be angry with him. He just sees something, sets out to get it and his plan fails due to him not thinking things through


The god of war, he represents the more violent and chaotic aspect of warfare.

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