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Doctor Hiriluk tipo de personalidade mbti

Doctor Hiriluk tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Doctor Hiriluk? Doctor Hiriluk es un tipo de personalidad ENFP en mbti, 2w1 - so/sx - en enneagram, SCUAI en Big 5, IEE en Socionics."

I would like an explanation for the 1w2 vote... He's 2w1 over 1w2. He's trying his hardest because it's the best way to help people and not because it's the right thing to do. He can turn his rational side off when he's too focused into people pleasing, he wants to help people in order to be a "good person" and sometimes even ended up doing more damage than good to his patients by accident. 1w2 would acknowledge their feelings and seek perfection by never making mistakes, while a 2w1 would internalize their feelings and ignore their needs. He ended up eating a deadly poisonous mushroom soup because he was moved by Chopper's concern for his well-being and wanted to encourage Chopper to became a doctor. If he were a 1w2 he would seek love/attention via being good, while a 2w1 would rather be helpful. Anyway, he can come across as a 2w3 at times, but for now, I will stick up to the 2w1.


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