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Never Say Thank You tipo de personalidade mbti

Never Say Thank You tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Never Say Thank You? Never Say Thank You es un tipo de personalidad ISTP en mbti, 8w7 - sp/sx - 854 en enneagram, en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

If you forget to say thank you, it usually shows a lack of manners. Having bad manners is generally associated with problems socializing. Therefore, introverts, ESPECIALLY introverted thinkers tend to have worse manners than extroverts, and would likely not say thank you if you do something for them. This is especially true for Ti doms. IxTPs already have trouble expressing themselves emotionally and expressing empathy, what makes you think they're going to remember to say thank you? And with INTPs it's worse because they're always in their heads, and may forget to say thank you because they were thinking of something else. Also, Ti doms don't care much for social norms to begin with, so they may find saying please and thank you downright stupid when they logically already received what they asked for. ISTPs have the worst problems expressing empathy of any type, I've noticed, so they likely wouldn't say thank you if you do something for them. Consider that next time you do something for them, manners and social customs are their weak spot, they have inferior Fe. For the record, I'm not hating on Ti doms, it's the same qualities that lead to them being non-conformists who don't believe in dumb stuff as easily, not be religious, listen to genres like metal most types wouldn't dare touch because of what they've heard, etc. But something has to give and that's usually politeness and manners.

