Simba tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Simba? Simba es un tipo de personalidad ESFP en mbti, 7w6 - so/sx - 739 en enneagram, SCUAN en Big 5, ESE en Socionics."

I just can‘t see any examples of Ne apart from I just can‘t wait to be king (and what child doesn‘t dream of what they‘re going to be when they grow up- it‘s not only an Ne thing, it‘s a kid‘s natural imagination). That way too little indication for me to believe he is a Ne-dominant. Also his behavior is so much more Se- immersing oneself in a life full of pleasure and without responsibility. It‘s what he sings about in Just can‘t wait to be king and it‘s what he finds with Timon and Pumba. He also does lack Ni. He never suspected Scar of killing his father even when he was an adult (even though there were indicators- he was present when he died, he didn‘t seem sad at all when he was dead, he told Simba to run away and only a minute later he is chased by hyenas, it wasn‘t a long shot that he sent them after him, and Simba was the only one in his way to the throne. Yet he was ignorant of all this). He also refuses to believe that Scar destroyed the pride land when Nala tells him, even though it‘s clear she is telling the truth- why else would she have ventured so far in search of prey? She also had no reason to lie. He also didn‘t believe in his father still being alive in the stars-something he was obviously wrong about. (And it also shows a lack of Ne). Again, a part from this one song, he‘s never heads-in the clouds, daydreaming but always living in the present and enjoying the sensory pleasures of here and now.


Simba is the protagonist of Disney's 1994 animated feature film The Lion King. He is the son of Mufasa and Sarabi, who was destined to rule the Pride Lands, as king. When his father was murdered by his treacherous uncle, Scar, Simba was blamed for the murder and exiled from the Pride Lands. He finds refuge in a jungle oasis with Timon and Pumbaa, but the Pride Lands fall to disarray during his absence. With the kingdom in peril, Simba is forced to confront his troubled past and take his place in the "Circle of Life". Upon entering adulthood, Simba marries his childhood best friend Nala and has two cubs named Kiara, and Kion.
