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Twenty One Pilots - Stressed Out tipo de personalidade mbti

Twenty One Pilots - Stressed Out tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Twenty One Pilots - Stressed Out? Twenty One Pilots - Stressed Out es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 649 en enneagram, RLUAI en Big 5, EII en Socionics."

This song's theme is about longing for childhood and the struggles of adulthood. Now, I'm assuming that this song is about someone who's struggling. Also known as someone probably going through a loop...! "I wish I found some better sounds No one's ever heard" "I wish I found some chords In an order that is new" This shows struggling use of Ne, so we can assume that Ne is either getting ignored or is inferior. This is how many people came with the conclusion of either INFP or ISFJ. For INFP, we can assume that they're either in a loop or a Te grip. People telling INFP that this is reality (adulthood) and that you have to comply with society in order to make money. For ISFJ, they naturally struggle with the use of Ne because it's the inf function. So, lets assume that they had a really small amount of Ne that they embraced in childhood but as they got older, they needed to follow what has been told and suppress said Ne. "I was told when I get older All my fears would shrink But now I'm insecure And I care what people think" Anyone honestly is capable of becoming insecure. In this case this insecurity is about people's judgement. So, Fe or Fi? I'm more willing to say Fi. For INFP, I see this song representing how they want so desperately to be able follow their ambitions but became insecure as they got older because of hardships and being told again to make money and focus on getting a real job. For ISFJ, we can interpret this as everyone keeps on telling them you need a job, you need to be successful in life. They become insecure of failure because Fe tells that these people are watching them and what will they think if it doesn't happen? "Wish we could turn back time To the good old days When our momma sang us to sleep But now we're stressed out Wish we could turn back time To the good old days When our momma sang us to sleep But now we're stressed out" Soo much Si. Si-Ti loop of ISFJ? Maybe. However, this can also suggests INFP's Fi-Si loop. For INFP, Fi wants a life where they weren't stressed out and they look at the past (Si) of the times where they were actually happy with life. They go back to Fi to make sense of said information but just goes back to Si and so on. This loop pushes people away which is also another theme of the song: struggling of keeping friendships. For ISFJ, dom Si in general will associate the present with the past. They notice that the present is nothing like the past and they will overanalyze where their life went wrong through Ti. This loop also makes it hard for them to see what other people actually think because Fe gets skipped. Finally, I wanted to talk about the inferior function of INFP, Te. Fi-Ne gives them that value and idealness, however when under stress it leads them to Te. I personally have a very close online friend who went through a pretty similar experience to this song and is INFP. I saw them shut down all of their values, ideas and past memories in favor of Te to get them through life because parents and adult kept on telling them to be realistic about life. "That job won't give you money" or "Look at your grades, you won't pass". If you ask me what unhealthy songs are "ISFJ", I believe songs where they're trying to find out where they went wrong with the past or not letting go of the past or something about not being themselves because the typical stereotype of being a carpet and conforming to please others. If there's a song I relate to it probably be Phony from Kafu and "Ikanaide" (and ya it's japanese cause 😞), though that's mixing more of my personality outside of being an ISFJ. ALAS, MY VERDICT IS INFP. One... that is really fed up of life and just wants their childhood happiness to be back- oh god 🤠🤡

