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Yoko Inari tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Yoko Inari? Yoko Inari es un tipo de personalidad ESFP en mbti, 3w2 - sx/so - 835 en enneagram, SLOAI en Big 5, en Socionics."

Wtf, never seen ExFP gets mistyped as ENxJ this badly before, well I only watch the anime so maybe my opinion isn't right, but there's absolutely no dom Te nor Fe in her. I see Fi, some kind of focus on self-values and selfish needs, and some personal mindset and feelings that are based on liking/disliking, curiosity for others inner intentions and minds, analyzing others life backgrounds, and other things. I also witness Te as well, but not as a dominant function. The important part here is the dominant function, and it's definitely not Te - the ENTJ assumption also means that she has Ni as her auxiliary function, which I also didn't witness it greatly for now - and not Fe bcs how? I got stuck with two options, ESFP and ENFP, and to this moment I don't know which one is more plausible, but I picked ESFP bcs she seemed to like living in the moment and testing new cafes.



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