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Stardew Valley tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Stardew Valley? Stardew Valley es un tipo de personalidad ISFJ en mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - 962 en enneagram, SCOAN en Big 5, SEI en Socionics."

Always saw this as an ISFJ-esque game. - A consistent life in which you could set a routine for yourself - Caring for animals, tending to crops, giving people gifts - Finding a spouse, settling down, and getting married, traditional adult life - Predictable, relaxing, a process General life-sim games such as Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing have always appeared as ISFJ-type games as well. It is routine and predictable, but pleasantly so. I may not be an ISFJ myself, but I am able to enjoy such games. Oddly enough, I never got bored of the predictability. However I definitely do not see Ne doms enjoying these kinds of games. (but there may be some exceptions!)

