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Léon Marchand tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Léon Marchand? Léon Marchand es un tipo de personalidad ISFP en mbti, 1w9 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

I'm not sure of his type, but from the looks of it, he seems like an introvert and a high Fi user. He just refused to be interviewed by a famous and controversial journalist in France, because her show "doesn't correspond to his values". That journalist is known in France for asking hurtful and indiscreet questions during her interviews. The show in question is scheduled every day after the Olympics and many top athletes came for an interview, but he just said no. Moreover, he learnt how to calm down before his races (with other techniques) by reminding himself that he is doing this for himself, first and foremost. Introvert because he described himself as very shy, not liking being the center of attention. Se is pretty obvious. So I'm leaning more towards ISFP.


Léon Marchand (born 17 May 2002) is a French swimmer and a member of the Arizona State Sun Devils swim team. He is the World record holder in the long course 400 metre individual medley and the French record holder in the long course 200 metre individual medley, 200 metre butterfly and 200 metre breaststroke.

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