Muni Ohnaruto tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Muni Ohnaruto? Muni Ohnaruto es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 4w3 - sp/sx - 468 en enneagram, RLUEI en Big 5, en Socionics."

although she can come off as an ISFP at first, she rlly is an INFP. Fi dom is obvious - she cares so much about her identity and she wants to be recognized for being herself. she uses Si wayyy too much - she relies on past experiences to guide her in the present. because she uses Si a lot, this is what makes her more grounded than most INFPs. as for Te inferior, i can think of the cafeteria scene where muni literally yells after seeing mahorinku's initial promotional poster. i don't really know about Ne, I've only seen her using Fi-Si so hopefully we get to see some of her Ne. as for her enneagram, i think 4w3 is quite obvious. 4s care a lot about being special and standing out from the rest, just like how muni wants to be recognized for her talents (which is why she wears bunny ears so people can recognize her. she literally has a song about her too). the 3 wing makes her more ambitious and it drives her to get more people to know about her, hence the name DJ Only. anyways, congratulations to d4dj for being the only game with muni ohnaruto in it


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