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Tom Davies (GeoWizard) tipo de personalidade mbti

Tom Davies (GeoWizard) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Tom Davies (GeoWizard)? Tom Davies (GeoWizard) es un tipo de personalidad ISTP en mbti, 6w7 - sp/so - 693 en enneagram, RCOAI en Big 5, en Socionics."

Ti: He often figures things out very logically, and through the process of elimination. Ti is very clear in his Geoguessr videos. He'll dissect every detail and uses it to come to the most probable conclusion. Se: A love of adventure obviously isn't exclusive to Se types, but he's very aware of his physical surroundings. He's very observant and often takes physical details to aid his Ti. I'll explain why I don't think Ne fits below. Ni: He has a lot of gut reactions when playing Geoguessr. He'll have a hunch that it's a certain country, and jumps right into inspecting this country more. He'll often struggle to voice his thought process a lot, and only explains why he chose what he did after he thinks about everything. People with high Ne tend to be more open about their thought process and find it easy to come to conclusions by talking out loud. Tom has said before that talking about things out loud takes him out of it, which isn't a very Ne thing. Fe: There's not a lot of examples of him interacting with others, but when he does, he seems to have Fe. When he encounters people while trespassing (in his walking in a straight line across a country videos) he'll be very polite. In the moment, he doesn't seem very uncomfortable even though afterward he'll express his discomfort at the situation.


Tom Davies, better known as GeoWizard (Formerly Geoguessr Wizard), is an English Youtuber best known for his adventure videos and his gaming videos.
