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Mr. Puckett tipo de personalidade mbti

Mr. Puckett tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Mr. Puckett? Mr. Puckett es un tipo de personalidad ENFP en mbti, - so/sp - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

"Mr. Puckett: OK, theory number six. Mr. Puckett: In some sort of diabolic housewarming ritual, Mayview's local death cultists use an improvised splash 'n slide... Mr. Puckett: ...to repeatedly slam their faces Mr. Puckett: ...into the number eleven. Written in goat's blood. Mr. Puckett: Because eleven is a prime number. That's a math thing, Zoey, look it up. Death cultists love math." There's also something about the whole Jackpot Junior's scenario that reads Ne to me. Like why would you think that's a good place for a serious conversation. I can only assume he was making bizzaire connections in his head like "how to cheer up son when he is obviously stressed and has a lot on his mind? > fun :) > Jackpot Junior's is fun > we are now having a serious conversation in the combination chuck E cheez casino."


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