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Ezio Auditore da Firenze tipo de personalidade mbti

Ezio Auditore da Firenze tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Ezio Auditore da Firenze? Ezio Auditore da Firenze es un tipo de personalidad ENFJ en mbti, 7w8 - so/sx - 278 en enneagram, SCUAI en Big 5, EIE en Socionics."

First of all, Ezio is easily one of the absolute best protagonists of all time and Assassins's Creed 2 is a fcking masterpiece of a game. That just needed to be said. Second of all, the guy is most likely a social E2. Due to his seemingly carefree attitude at the start of AC2, I get why he could give off the impression of an E7. But looking into his character as a whole, his strengths/weaknesses etc., The Passion of Pride as it manifests in the social E2 seems to fit him much better compared to the Passion of Gluttony and any subtype of E7. Gluttony is at its core a way to cope with underlying anxiety/insecurity by distracting oneself from feeling fear and other unpleasant feelings through constantly seeking pleasure with an optimistic and enthusiastic outlook on life. I don't see how this works with Ezio as I don't even see him as a Fear Type. And E7 isn't the only type that seeks pleasurable experiences. Pride on the other hand is about the construction of a bright self-image that is fueled by the need to be loved and be considered irreplaceable, confusing one's own pleasure with giving pleasure to others. And the way this manifests in the social subtype: "In the social two, the passion of pride manifests itself as a satisfaction in the conquest of the public" " Being a person who wants to be important to be able to feed his pride, he must be able to seduce the social environment, becoming a seducer of groups, a distinguished being and, perhaps, not only someone superior, but with a gift of leadership" At the start of AC2, Ezio is characterized as a playful, prideful, outgoing and charming person. And even though he lives in luxuary, frequently gets into trouble and has this carefree and passionate attitude, he's far from being a spoiled brat as he's also almost immediately shown to have a strong sense of responsibility, doing chores for his parents without question and often going out of his way to help others. As he himself says to one of the characters in the game, he "aims to please" which is one of the definitive traits of his personality. He enjoys to be the center of attention and presents himself as supportive, helpful and competent. The SO2 wants to be "everybody's friend" which Ezio not only achieves through helping others but also through quite literally calling many complete strangers "friend/amico" (seriously, I lost count in AC2), treating them with a close familiarity that makes him trustworthy. He's an expert at creating networks and at closing the emotional distance between himself and others. His greatest strength, even more so than any of his acrobatic or combative skills, is 100% his charisma. It's a natural gift that is an amazing character trait in AC2 and starts becoming his greatest weapon in AC Brotherhood. Ezio is an absolute Master at "seducing " and "conquering" the masses, at bringing people together to work on a common goal. He knows what to say and how to say it, how to carry himself and attract others. He's quite literally a born leader. Ezio is in that sense exactly how the social E2 gets decribed. Someone who perfected the art of seducing the social sphere through sheer charisma and offering a helping hand to everyone that is in need of it. And even if we look at other aspects of this subtype, most of it fits Ezio's character extremely well. The social E2 is an emotional character but outwardly the least emotional of E2's subtypes. Very empathetic and passionate but also with a certain "coldness" to it which fits Ezio's more serious demeanor when he doesn't try to "seduce" someone. It seeks to present itself as competent and useful but is still highly competitive and described to potentially be quite aggressive, vindictive and confrontational. It's also the most intellectual of E2's subtypes which not only goes well with Ezio's relationship with the creed and what it means to him but also his intellectual curiosity and desire to get answers. The social E2 is a mass conquerer who seduces, territory by territory, the groups it comes across. Someone who has the intuitive ability and capacity to percieve and understand the emotions of others and who has a natural gift for leadership. And that is the core of Ezio's personality, what makes him such a strong protagonist. He's imo a very healthy, extremely well-written social E2 with a rather strong secondary sx-subtype. I'd say that this would also be the second most likely option, if he's not an SO2 then I would type him as an SX2 instead. Yeah and I'm just going to say it again, AC2 is a fcking masterpiece, And so are Brotherhood and Revelations, the goddamn Ezio-trilogy man, those were the times


Ezio Auditore da Firenze (1459 – 1524) was a Florentine nobleman during the Renaissance, and, unbeknownst to most historians and philosophers, a Master Assassin and the Mentor of the Italian and (briefly) Turkish Brotherhood of Assassins, a title which he held from 1503 to 1513. Although Ezio lived a life of luxury, he did not exhibit the typical spoiled attitude of other Florentine nobles. He was a playful, charming, affable young man who did chores for his mother and father without question and often went out of his way to help others, especially his family.
