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Tsukihi Araragi tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Tsukihi Araragi? Tsukihi Araragi es un tipo de personalidad ISFJ en mbti, 9w8 - sx/sp - 927 en enneagram, RLOAN en Big 5, SEI en Socionics."

as opposed to Karen's strong Fi values, i think Tsukihi is more of a Fe user.


Tsukihi Araragi (阿良々木 月火, Araragi Tsukihi) is the supposed younger sister of both Koyomi Araragi and Karen Araragi, and the youngest member of the Araragi family. She is the younger half of the Tsuganoki Second Junior High School's Fire Sisters.
