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  3. X-Files

Monica Reyes tipo de personalidade mbti

Monica Reyes tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Monica Reyes? Monica Reyes es un tipo de personalidad ENFP en mbti, 9w1 - so/sx - 927 en enneagram, en Big 5, IEE en Socionics."


Monica Julieta Reyes /ˈreɪ.ɛz/ is a fictional character in the Fox science fiction-supernatural television series The X-Files. Monica Reyes is portrayed by Annabeth Gish. At first a Field Agent before becoming a Special Agent with the FBI, she works with her longtime friend and partner John Doggett in the X-Files office, which is concerned with the investigation of paranormal cases, dubbed "X-Files". Introduced in the series' eighth season, Reyes would become a main character throughout the entirety of its ninth season, before returning for a single-episode guest appearance in the tenth season finale, and later in a recurring capacity during season eleven.

Televisão caracteres semelhantes a Monica Reyes
