Anthony Kiedis tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Anthony Kiedis? Anthony Kiedis es un tipo de personalidad ENFJ en mbti, 4w3 - sx/so - 479 en enneagram, SCUEI en Big 5, EIE en Socionics."

C'mon guys, he's an ENFJ! Imagine a situation where you're singing at a concert and the crowd starts fighting. You know what Anthony did? He said "Stop fighting! Stop the fighting! surrender! everybody! good guys and bad guys surrender. simultaneous surrender." This is pure Fe and I love it. Also, I've recently watched a concert at which John's guitar stopped working and he got really angry and upset. Anthony just casually hugged him to make him feel better and it worked. I've observed that Anthony and John naturally get along really well which makes sense since John is an INFP. I read an interview about Josh's "firing" yesterday in which Josh said "and he (Anthony) is a very tender and supportive person. And he's very parental in that way and I could see that he was caught between his usual wanting to be supportive and carry somebody and having to cut it loose" Doesn't that sound quite Fe-ish to you? Also, he literally wrote a song called "The power of equality". Anthony has a well-developed Se tho, I think that's why people confuse him for an ISFP


Anthony Kiedis ( KEE-diss; born November 1, 1962) is an American musician who is the lead singer and lyricist of the band Red Hot Chili Peppers, which he has fronted since its conception in 1983. Kiedis and his fellow band members were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2012. Kiedis spent his youth in Grand Rapids, Michigan with his mother before moving, shortly before his twelfth birthday, to Hollywood to live with his father.

Música celebridade semelhante a Anthony Kiedis
