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Taylor Swift tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Taylor Swift? Taylor Swift es un tipo de personalidad ESFJ en mbti, 3w2 - so/sx - 361 en enneagram, SCOAI en Big 5, ESE en Socionics."

So glad to see that queen is trending. idk how there are votes for anything but ESFJ, but here's how I break it down by function: Fe Dom: Very concerned with her public appearance and her "reputation". That's what kept her from being her most authentic self in the early-mid years of her career, as her image was so carefully crafted. If you want to see more of this, make sure to watch Miss Americana on Netflix, it's a great documentary about what she's gone through career and reputation-wise.' Aux Si: This is most seen in her lyrics. She's an excellent and detailed storyteller, which she uses her Si to do. Especially with her more autobiographical albums and songs (Debut-Lover) you can see how she is able to remember and write about her experiences and memories in such detail. Tert Ne: This is shown in how prolific she is in her music. As she's aged and matured, her aux Si and tert Ne have become harmonious and have made her be able to be and inventive and productive songwriter. This also is shown in her position in a creative field. Inf Ti: I see this in how the media perceived her amidst the Kanye drama in 2016. Those who hated her said she was calculating and cold, two traits often associated with Ti. Up until that point she had tried so hard to reject her Ti, to maintain her image with her Fe dominant function. Aside from that, she also uses her Ti in her life as a businesswoman, as much of her career success can be attributed to that, which typically demands strong logical thinking skills. Aside from that please don't comment hate on her page. If you don't like her, ignore her page. It's that simple and requires much less energy than leaving a mean comment :)


Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is an American singer-songwriter. Her narrative lyricism, which often takes inspiration from her personal life, has received widespread critical praise and media coverage.

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