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Zyanya Mondragón "Reyna" tipo de personalidade mbti

Zyanya Mondragón "Reyna" tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Zyanya Mondragón "Reyna"? Zyanya Mondragón "Reyna" es un tipo de personalidad ENTJ en mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 837 en enneagram, SLOEN en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

She is driven by competition and takes what she wants. If you see her quotes on her wiki page, you will see her Te dom since she is driven by efficiency in a somehow villain-cliché manner


Forged in the heart of Mexico, Reyna dominates single combat, popping off with each kill she scores. Her capability is only limited by her raw skill, making her highly dependent on performance. Whenever Reyna kills an enemy, they drop a soul orb. Her basic abilities are Devour, consuming a soul orb to heal rapidly over a short amount of time, and Dismiss consuming a soul orb to become intangible. Her signature ability is Leer, a destructible supernatural eye that can be deployed to give enemies nearsight. Her ultimate ability is Empress, which sends Reyna into a frenzy that increases her firing speed, equip and reload speed dramatically. During Empress, Devour instantly activates on kill, Dismiss turns Reyna invisible and has infinite uses, and enemies are highlighted in red. The duration of Empress resets on kills.

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