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John Zerzan tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es John Zerzan? John Zerzan es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 4w5 - so/sp - 794 en enneagram, en Big 5, ILI en Socionics."

This guy is definitely not an NT. He's stuck in his value system and is nearly impervious to reason. Just watch his interview with Ed Dutton (ENTP). https://odysee.com/@JollyHeretic:d/Eco-Philosopher-Anarchist-John-Zerzan-Tells-Us-Why-Civilization-is-a-Very-Bad-Thing:5 If you don't want to see the whole thing, the entire interview can be summed up by starting at 1:34:28 and watching until the end. Lots of sloppy reasoning, cherry picking, and unwarranted hostility toward contradictory evidence, all in support of his Fi-motivated anti-civilizational narrative. I suppose an immature individual of any type could be like this, but it's hard to imagine a "rational" type being so stubbornly wedded to a particular viewpoint at his age, in spite of all logic and evidence. His critique of civilization is also much more rooted in communitarian values than the hard systems-thinking of Ted Kaczynski (INTJ). He is emotionally attached to a very specific kind of primitivism, one that is egalitarian. His reading into the "natural" state of man and closely related species is such that it only confirms his belief in peace and equality between sexes, sexualities, classes, races, and so on, contrary evidence be damned. He also has a feminine, passive-aggressive argumentation style that is uncharacteristic of NTs.


John Zerzan is an American anarchist and primitivist ecophilosopher and author. His works criticize agricultural civilization as inherently oppressive, and advocates drawing upon the ways of life of hunter-gatherers as an inspiration for what a free society should look like. Some subjects of his criticism include domestication, language, symbolic thought (such as mathematics and art) and the concept of time.

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