Abeloth tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Abeloth? Abeloth es un tipo de personalidad en mbti, 2w3 - sx/sp - 268 en enneagram, SLUAI en Big 5, ILE en Socionics."

"Abeloth was an entity antagonized by loneliness; she felt an absolute need to be loved and adored, and was nearly overcome when Vol attacked her with the idea that she was hideous and despised. She fed her craving for adulation by instilling in Force-sensitives a desire to be with her, and in turn catered to their every need and assumed the role as their mother. This stemmed from her original fear of losing her family, who remained ageless while she became old. In an attempt to hold on to the life she had, Abeloth drank from the Font of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge, which corrupted her mind and twisted her love for her family into a craving for companionship. When her family abandoned her on their planet—the very reason she committed her crimes in the first place— she was driven insane by loneliness and despair." Sexual 2 core to the max. Her entire motivation is to force people to love her and fears being unattractive and undesirable.


Abeloth, also known as the Bringer of Chaos and Beloved Queen of the Stars, was an extremely powerful Force-sensitive entity. Because she drank from the Well of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge, she was adept in using both the dark and light sides of the Force.

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