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  2. Televisão
  3. The Sandman (2022)

Hob Gadling tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Hob Gadling? Hob Gadling es un tipo de personalidad ESFP en mbti, 7w8 - sx/sp - 739 en enneagram, SCUAI en Big 5, ESE en Socionics."

granted, for not being in the show much at all, pretty effective as an ESFP posterboy imo. the crux of his entire character is his infatuation with life, and all the experiences that come along with it. he continues to live in order to experience any and every sensory experience the world has to offer; in 1389 he literally chalks up his desire to not die to being able to drink forever. also extremely welcoming of change, as we see his fascination with developing culture & technology each century. all of this comes, simultaneously, with a disregard for any rationalizing of his immortality. he lives because he wants to, because “life is so rich.” if he ever questioned, perhaps, the ethics of his immortality, or spiraled into questioning of how he became immortal in the first place, or maybe even considered the reality that he would probably have to consistently move and change his name for the rest of his life, then maybe aux Ti would have a case here. but all i’m seeing is Fi. super strong Se-Fi axis? ESFP it is i’m also a sucker for some good old INTJ / ESFP dichotomy


A man who is the subject of a bet between Dream and Death leading to his immortality.
