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I Monster - Who Is She? tipo de personalidade mbti

I Monster - Who Is She? tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es I Monster - Who Is She?? I Monster - Who Is She? es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 5w4 - sx/sp - 548 en enneagram, RLOEI en Big 5, ILI en Socionics."

this song is the literal definition of Ni dom: " Oh, who is she? A misty memory A haunting face Is she a lost embrace? " - Ni doms feed off of knowledge of possible ideas and past events. the song contains a lot of hypotheses. it is known that the singer is familiar with the "she" in question and is now trying to solve her mystery. just like a Ni dom, they get lost in detail and begin asking themselves rhetorical questions. they have set up an unachievable goal for themselves. "Am I in love with just a theme? Or is Ayesha just a dream? A mystery Oh, who is she?" - they're still at the beginning of putting the pieces back togheter, as they analyze the essence of Ayesha & her true identity. they confess that they're in love with her. it feels as if they're talking to us, making their goal unclear. their overactive imagination starts to wander off as their emotions come into play ... just like a Ni dom. "I call her name Across an endless plain She'll answer me Wherever she may be" - they began putting their theories into practice and expect an immediate answer. Ni doms are usually future-oriented introverts. having a perceptive function, they're addicted to the promised future of their goals & relay themselves on their theories. the singer knows they must act soon in order to meet their love again. "Somewhere across the sea of time A love immortal such as mine Will come to me Eternally Immortal she Return to me" - i like to think they're tired of all of their research and begin putting themselves in harm's way just to meet her. the song's ending reach two possiblities, all of them resembling the consequences of an unhealthy Ni dom: 1) they manage to reach ayesha's realm alive and saw her for what she truly is: an immortal diety. all of their research has led to this point on & they just don't care anymore. they get lost in her embrace, detaching themselves from the physical realm, becoming a spirit themselves. now that they finally completed their goal, their refusal to ever let go eats them alive. the singer and ayesha become one. whether ayesha has good intentions or not is up to the listener's perspective. 2) as they overlook their past fatal failures, they lay low & on the verge of death. suddenly, ayesha appears, her presence ever so lovingly. the singer spots them and crawls closer, but before they could say anything it cuts to ayesha revealing her true intentions & identity. i consider the repeating verses to symbolize the madness the singer is driven into, asking themselves impossible questions & even so, managing to beat all odds.


Oh, who is she? A misty memory A haunting face Is she a lost embrace? Am I in love with just a theme? Or is Ayesha just a dream? A mystery Oh, who is she? Oh, who is she? A misty memory A haunting face Is she a lost embrace? I call her name Across an endless plain She'll answer me Wherever she may be Oh, who is she? A misty memory A haunting face Is she a lost embrace? Somewhere across the sea of time A love immortal such as mine Will come to me Eternally Immortal she Return to me
