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Jacobo, "Jack" tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Jacobo, "Jack"? Jacobo, "Jack" es un tipo de personalidad ESTP en mbti, 6w5 - sp/sx - 682 en enneagram, SCUAI en Big 5, en Socionics."

At first I saw him as an Isfp being honest, but being honest there is more Fee than Fi, he seems to have a good Se living in the moment and taking action easily, I don't see any Ti in which he has shown himself in what is said about him, but well, I would say that it is an Estp, Se-fe has a certain meaning for him, although it does not show Ti, I also thought that in ENFJ, but without a doubt he uses more Se than Fe, I would say that Estp would be his type, I do not see any Ti- dominant, now your enneagram would say I don't know, maybe a 6sx?? It is mentioned that he is someone rebellious, seriously 6sp one of the subtypes that is most vulnerable to authority? I can understand it, I would say that 6sp would be its second subtype, I hope it has been useful. someone would like to type my oc?? https://www.personality-database.com/profile/484373/rose-mei-your-ocs-original-characters-mbti-personality-type


He's an around 19 years old guy and one of the main characters from one of my stories. He was always kinda rebellious as a teen because of the terrible situation his family and town was living in, along with his father influence who, unlike his mother, who tried to be unnoticed to not be in the sights of the authorities, taught him about liberty and his political views. Jack even became part of a teens street gang, but he left it after their crimes started being worse than stealing, in order to not become a bad person and a shame to his mother and his siblings. After some events in his life and the story itself, he finally became part of the main organization. He was quickly asigned to the explorer squad in order tohis fast way of acting and his incredible reflexes. Although at the beggining he was distrustful, after getting along with other people of his age there he started to be more opened and even some aspectos of his personality changed; he became a whole lot more talkative and
