Pom tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Pom? Pom es un tipo de personalidad ISFJ en mbti, 9w1 - - en enneagram, RLUAN en Big 5, en Socionics."


Sheeple are a democratic society. Upholding the will of the masses (or the flock in this case), is among their most core values. Problem is, all Sheep will vote in favor of the very first suggestion any Sheep happens to make. Pom made the mistake of suggesting that they should respond to the Council’s call for a Champion at all, and ended up being voted in as Champion herself. Sheep Dogs, the only large predators in Foenum with instincts to protect ungulates rather than eat them, live among the Sheep and keep them safe from harm. Occasionally a pack may choose to spend most of their time around one particular Sheep over another, and Pom has found herself in the company of a rather large one as of late. Perhaps they see a burning potential building inside her… because despite her desperate cries to return to her soft, grassy homeland, they continue to urge her along.
