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John Galliano tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es John Galliano? John Galliano es un tipo de personalidad ENFP en mbti, 4w3 - so/sx - 471 en enneagram, SCOAI en Big 5, IEE en Socionics."

Are you guys kidding? He’s clearly a Ne-dom. His ne-si is crazy. ENFP as it’s purest


John Charles Galliano (born 28 November 1960) is a Gibraltar-born British fashion designer who was the head designer of French fashion companies Givenchy (July 1995 to October 1996), Christian Dior (October 1996 to March 2011), and his own label John Galliano (1988 to 2011). At present, Galliano is the creative director of Paris-based fashion house Maison Margiela. Galliano has been named British Designer of the Year four times. In a 2004 poll for the BBC, he was named the fifth most influential person in British culture.
