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Emily Ha tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Emily Ha? Emily Ha es un tipo de personalidad ESTJ en mbti, 8w7 - so/sp - 837 en enneagram, SLOEN en Big 5, SEE en Socionics."

edit: after watching their disney vlog there is NO WAY emily is a 7 💀 She’s too negative to be a 7w8 she’s always complaining and gets annoyed at evelyn for being "too happy". I think she's a heart type because she's focused on how people perceive her and her popularity, and tries really hard not to be "cringe" or say the wrong thing. sometimes she does put on a persona for her viewers as well. also a thing i've noticed is that whenever they first turn on the camera, the first thing emily does is look at herself in the camera and fix her hair, etc


YouTuber and 1/3 of the Ha Sisters
