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Chiron, the Great Teacher tipo de personalidade mbti

Chiron, the Great Teacher tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Chiron, the Great Teacher? Chiron, the Great Teacher es un tipo de personalidad INFJ en mbti, - sp/so - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."


For the most part, centaurs are brutish, cruddy, violent creatures, but Chiron was different. He was instead a scholar, poet, astrologer and teacher. He has taught many many legendary heroes, from Perseus to Achilles, and most of them were about art of war. Deep down, however, Chiron would prefer a quiet life of reading books and bonding with nature rather than going to war. Tragically, his life came to end when one of his students, the legendary Hercules, asked him about the venom coming from the creature known as Hydra. Chiron was infected and died in agonizing pain, but Zeus saw it fit that he was rewarded for his teaching history and turned him into the constellation, Sagittarius. And now, the gods waged war against each other. Chiron descended back from his constellation, not to read more books or scrolls, but to take up arms with his bow and armor and protect the wondrous world that fascinated him.

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