Ha Min Park tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Ha Min Park? Ha Min Park es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 6w5 - sp/sx - 612 en enneagram, RCOAI en Big 5, en Socionics."

I saw a lot of good arguments as to why Ha min could potentially be an IxTP (Ti-Fe). Since there aren't many arguments explaining why Hamin is an INTJ, here is my take: Ni: Despite having limited information, she is able to piece together the full story and is able to tell why something is happening at a glance (ie. could tell Daehyun and Junu were fighting because of Sung-ah/Random Chat). She is also very perceptive/observant (ie. could tell Taeyang was the mafia and who he was going to kill each time, and could tell whenever Junu had something on his mind/when something was wrong). She tries to get to the truth of the matter (ie. rather than just saying Junu was the one who stole the 800000W like the other class reps to get it over with, she tries to figure out what really happened); she also hates remaining ignorant (ie. wishes to know full history btwn Junu and Sungouk and hates it when people hide things from her). Lastly, she gave advice to Junu that if he was having a problem with something, he should go back to the beginning. This is common behavior for INTJs. When they don't understand something, they go back to the beginning, the basics, and break down complex parts to their simplest components, and try to unravel and understand things from there. Te: has a fairly intimidating, cold, and condescending demeanor; disciplined, strong work ethic, and goal-oriented/competitive/cares a bit about status (ie. ranked #1 in school, Grandmaster in LoL (or whatever game they play at PC Bang)); puts aside feelings and maintains a neutral stance, only coming to a decision after being presented evidence/hearing information from both sides Fi: frequently tells Junu to put himself first and be more selfish, empathetic but not sympathetic (ie. can put herself in other's shoes only if she relates to it); judges people solely based on their personal interactions, not rumors/reputation, as a plus, doesn't care how others view her (blind-Fe) and doesn't put on a face to satisfy other people Se: must know the full details of something before engaging in a situation, and (kind of a stereotype but) poor reflexes/bad at sports

