Are Lonely tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Are Lonely? Are Lonely es un tipo de personalidad INFJ en mbti, 4w5 - sp/sx - 459 en enneagram, RLUAI en Big 5, EII en Socionics."

I have a hate/love relationship with loneliness because it's such a trusted sanctuary I know I can always confide in when everything just becomes too hectic, kind of one's default mode. Once you've gotten used to isolation, that's the one thing you can trust to fall back on and not fail you with the comfort it provides. But at its worst, being alone can be such an insecurity-inducing experience and it's so easy for people to manipulate you into thinking your fondness for isolation is because you're not A. good with people and B. people don't wanna be associated with you. It can be such a demoralizing thing because you wonder whether you're living your life to the fullest, but anytime you step out of that bubble, you're just as quickly overwhelmed, and you're torn between thinking if this lifestyle is just something that's meant for you or society just purposely rejects you.


Loneliness is an unpleasant emotional response to perceived isolation. Loneliness is also described as social pain—a psychological mechanism which motivates individuals to seek social connections. It is often associated with an unwanted lack of connection and intimacy.
