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Will Parker tipo de personalidade mbti

Will Parker tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Will Parker? Will Parker es un tipo de personalidad en mbti, 4w3 - sx/so - 478 en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

So I came up with this explanation in my sleep…pardon any inaccuracies it’s 7AM where I am and I slept horribly (you can probably tell from the fact that I was typing Will Parker in my sleep) I was going between SeFe ESTP and FeSe ENFJ but ultimately decided on the latter. The Se and Fe usage is kind of blatant imo, but it was a bit hard to tell which he preferred. So I had to figure out if he preferred Ti or Ni—and it seems to me he prefers Ni. He focuses on dreaming of one specific goal (getting $50 to marry Annie). He doesn’t really show any Ti…but I’m 100% positive he DEFINITELY has no Te anywhere. He’s completely Te blind, for the same reason he’s got low but present Ni: he gets distracted so easily and does not efficiently or intelligently pursue his goals. This shows a LOT of FeSe, impulsive love. He spends his $50 on gifts for Annie and realizes after the fact that means he can’t marry her; he tries to bet on Annie’s basket with his money and doesn’t catch on until Ali bets $51 and more or less tells him to quit betting. He’s a little…not-smart sometimes but he’s definitely husband material


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