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Zata, the Shackled Wings tipo de personalidade mbti

Zata, the Shackled Wings tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Zata, the Shackled Wings? Zata, the Shackled Wings es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 1w9 - sp/sx - en enneagram, RLOEI en Big 5, LSE en Socionics."

“These chains cannot keep me down” “My soul is soaring, it cannot be shackled” “My destiny is mine to decide” “I don’t need someone else to protect me” “You’re just.. someone else’s pawn” “The eagle always soars above the clouds” “I will finish what I started” “Let it all end” “Those who are high above do not hear the cries of the abandoned “My wings grant my people and I hope” “Order over chaos” “No mountains are too high to climb” Let me hear your thoughts about these quotes as well as Zata’s type


A member of the Darkwings, winged humanoid with black and white wings that was somehow expelled by the World Tree for making a contract with the Abyss. After spending his childhood wandering in constant hunger, Zata's father was able to push through Mt. Orphean and come into contact with the Veda. They didn't trust the Darkwings either, and they placed shackles on Zata's wings to prevent the power of the Abyss from seeping out of him, but they're willing to compromise: If Zata can complete the tasks required to be permitted as a Templar Knight in the holy city, his people can remain. For his people, Zata completed the tasks and was permitted after showing his own pride towards Tulen. As a member of the Light Chasers, Zata now undertakes any tasks assigned to him by the Veda while keeping the corruptive power of the Abyss at bay in order to protect his people.

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