Hollow Eve tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Hollow Eve? Hollow Eve es un tipo de personalidad ENFP en mbti, 4w3 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

okay, hollow is not a te dom nor an ni-se user. i must admit though that when i watched dragula i thought they were a Je dom or a TJ type. however, if you look at what they say vs how it's said, ne dom is veeery obvious. from their interview with disasterina - 'my drag is valid' - on youtube: 'you tell me you want something and i'm like 'hmmm...' how could i do it different?' - ne in the form of new perspectives 'you tell me 'this is what you want me to do' - i'm not going to do it that way' - ne as mentioned, also fuelled by fi individualism • hollow is not an se user because they absolutely do not care about aesthetics. like i've said before, se drag artists prioritise cohesion and a visually pleasing look as these both show ability using sensory stimuli. however, ne users prioritise uniqueness, 'reinventing the wheel' which hollow does in spades; their interest in body mods and also their tampon outfit in dragula illustrate this. • hollow is also not a te dom because they don't appear to be particularly apt at using it. te doms focus on tangible achievements, constant action towards a goal and objective evidence to support personal beliefs. hollow doesn't do any of these; their fi overrides their te regarding dragula as they are more focused on spreading their message rather than winning, and they only are focused on action when it's regarding their beliefs which implies te is simply a tool to carry out an fi-induced motive. • as much as the tampon outfit and subsequent meltdown made me think of e4, i feel like hollow has a lot of social 2 behaviours which shouldn't be ignored. firstly, their statement of 'i'm just here to educate' on dragula implies some kind of self-importance, and as if they're trying to give wisdom to the other cast members. e2s also think that others are privileged in their presence, which i think is evident in hollow due to dollya's confessional 'hollow talks about [their] art like everyone else is too stupid to understand'. i think they disintegrated to an e8 on dragula, which was evidenced in their breakdown, and that the supposedly e4 behaviours were actually fi motivated. off the show, hollow's focus on self expression makes me think they're a healthy e2 as they move into direction of growth into an e4. also, e2s can be just as volatile as e4s so hollow's temperament is not out of the ordinary for e2s. • their whole 'i'm just here to educate' thing makes me think of a 1 fix too as hollow tries to enforce their ideas of right and wrong onto the cast. i think the 1 fix is relatively low though since it seems contradictory with ne dom. i think a sexual 7 fix is also obvious since they appear moody like a 4, but also seek stimulation hence hollow's interest in body mods and pain through art. • i think fi sociobase also explains the pseudo 4 fix as well as the 1 fix since it concerns personal ideas of right and wrong. off the show, hollow also seems attentive to their drag family which shows understanding of personal relationships that ESI encapsulates. • big five is relatively clear; their abundant fi and volatile temperament indicates social, limbic and egocentric fixes. their fixation on art as a whole, but mostly original and taboo topics, also shows a clear inquizitive fix. i'd probably go with unorganised too since it works well with their fi individualism. • regarding psychosophy, i can see both 1E and 1F but they don't seem anxious enough to be 3E so i guess they're 1E. high V is also obvious due to fi-te, and i think their focus on being AFAB could make 3F work too.


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