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IShowSpeed tipo de personalidade mbti

IShowSpeed tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es IShowSpeed? IShowSpeed es un tipo de personalidad ESTP en mbti, 7w8 - sx/so - 873 en enneagram, SLUEN en Big 5, SEE en Socionics."

GOAT streamer. An artist at being a wildcard. For his Big 5 I would say his most debatable trait is Agreeableness. On first impression he comes off abrasive, hostile and aggressive, but getting to know him more you start to see that he’s actually a sensitive person towards others and in general. He usually feels genuinely sorry when he hears other people going through rough times and he’s somewhat of a charitable person. At times, he can be pretty nice to his fans, picks up their phone calls, gives them shoutouts, thanks them often etc and is a nice dude under his aggressive shell. His aggression is definitely present often but it comes from a place of true emotion and not intentional malice. he's highly Social highly limbic extremely low conscientiousness neutral agreeableness low openness SLUxN Enneagram: Also believe he has 4 in his tritype and not 3. He's insecure of himself, and does a lot of comparing himself to other people. Also his music, for example, is not trendy and he has a distinct style of rapping and beat selection compared to what's typically out there. This and other things about his personality tells me that he strives to be an individualist and doesn't really care to appeal to the masses by way of doing what's proven to be popular. Also 784 makes more sense than 783 because he is a very reactive person, so having two reactive types within his tritype (8 & 4) sort of explains that aspect of his personality.


Darren Watkins, IShowSpeed or just Speed, is a content creator who got popular due to his NBA 2K videos and screaming really loud once a sub goal is reached. He’s now well known for his extreme overreactions and tantrums whilst streaming, as well as his infamous barking.

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