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  3. Ice Age (Franchise)

Layla Zee tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Layla Zee? Layla Zee es un tipo de personalidad ENTJ en mbti, 5w6 - sp/so - 513 en enneagram, RCOEI en Big 5, LII en Socionics."


Layla Zee was a female mini-sloth who acted as the speaker and leader for a tribe of mini-sloths. During a ritualistic dance with the mini-sloths imitating Sid, they tied him up and were about to lower him into a chasm wherein there was hot lava. Layla Zee stepped up to explain their motives: the rocks from the Earth's core was superheated and reaching the surface, where it would melt ice built up from thousands of years: by sacrificing the Fire King, Layla Zee said, the melting would cease, but admitted that it wasn't foolproof by adding that it was "worth a shot". However, Sid did not fall into the lava but instead was launched back up into the stony likeness of the Fire King, where it tumbled down, scattering the mini-sloths, which Layla Zee proclaimed as "bad juju"
