1. Gente y Personajes
  2. Televisão
  3. Grand Army (2020)

Leila Kwan Zimmer tipo de personalidade mbti

Leila Kwan Zimmer tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Leila Kwan Zimmer? Leila Kwan Zimmer es un tipo de personalidad ISFP en mbti, 4w3 - sx/so - 468 en enneagram, RLUEN en Big 5, EIE en Socionics."

DEFINITION of unhealthy Fi-Se. all that matters to her is how she feels. when Joey accidentally threw something at her in the first episode and that was so personal to her that she decided to hate Joey and invalidate her trauma later.. or when she told her friend ''you weren't really been there for me lately'' girl what? and the Se is super unhealthy too. lives in the moment and doesn't see a single long-term consequence of her action. just as she doesn't see any connections / patterns. according to her if her friend doesn't want to talk to her anymore that's the whole thing - her best friend just doesn't want to talk to her and she fails to notice any reason why might that be. like.. I don't know, maybe Leila making everything about herself when talking to her friend. she pissed me off so much


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