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Cassandra "Cassie" Nightingale tipo de personalidade mbti

Cassandra "Cassie" Nightingale tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Cassandra "Cassie" Nightingale? Cassandra "Cassie" Nightingale es un tipo de personalidad ENFJ en mbti, 9w1 - so/sx - 925 en enneagram, en Big 5, EII en Socionics."

Her dominate function was between Ni and Fe for me. She is obviously very in tune with the needs and feelings of others, and she is able to accurately predict how they will feel and act under different circumstances. However, she seems to deeply enjoy being around people, and they seem to increase her energy level. She works three jobs that all involve a high level of interaction with people (B&B, retail store, teacher), and never tires out. Therefore, Fe won out. I can understand the Si argument, but I can’t agree that Cassie has no Se. She is very flexible, adaptable, and loves experiencing new things. She is a bit of a control freak, certainly, and very organized. However, routine also seems to bore her eventually, and she’s always looking for something new to try. Plus, I’ll be honest, Cassie fits the ENFJ “overbearing therapist who doesn’t know what/where boundaries are” stereotype really well, lol.


Cassandra "Cassie" Nightingale (born Sue Ellen Brock) is the lead character in the Good Witch television franchise. Cassie is the eldest descendant of the Merriwick line. She is the mother of Grace Russell, stepmother of Nick Radford, Brandon Russell, and Lori Russell, cousin of Abigail Pershing, and the wife of Sam Radford. Orphaned at a young age, Cassie became accustomed to traveling and moving as she was passed through foster homes. She ran away and continued traveling the world and learning about many different cultures, all while honing her special gifts.

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