1. Gente y Personajes
  2. Literatura
  3. The Stranger / The Outsider

The Chaplain tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es The Chaplain? The Chaplain es un tipo de personalidad ESFJ en mbti, 2w1 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."


A priest who attends to the religious needs of condemned men, the chaplain acts as a catalyst for Meursault’s psychological and philosophical development. After Meursault is found guilty of premeditated murder and sentenced to death, he repeatedly refuses to see the chaplain. The chaplain visits Meursault anyway, and nearly demands that he take comfort in God. Meursault becomes enraged and angrily asserts that life is meaningless and that all men are condemned to die.

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