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Have Many Unpopular Opinions tipo de personalidade mbti

Have Many Unpopular Opinions tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Have Many Unpopular Opinions? Have Many Unpopular Opinions es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - 548 en enneagram, RLOEI en Big 5, ILI en Socionics."

top 3 of my unconventional opinions, I have more where these came from Number 1: I do not see why actions have a weight of good or bad, actions only have consequences, they are neither good nor bad, none of the things that happen in the world have value unless one gives them value. What if the actions have consequences, if you do not want good results you should go directly to the consequences and not give it a value of "good" or "bad" because the universe is so big that that is simply trivial. It is useless to blame yourself or praise yourself for "good or bad" actions and it is much more useful to go directly to the weight that action will represent in the future, if they are negative to do something, if it was a good option, go ahead, if it does not have any real weight in the future there is no reason to give yourself the label of "bad action / good action". Number 2: taboos, for example incest, to begin with, what does it matter to me what others do with their sex life? whoever it is with, let's imagine a hypothetical case where a sister and a brother fall in love, they will have their own contexts, what does it matter to me? Obviously it has its consequences like any action, but if it is concentrated and between adults it is not different from a normal relationship ith the difference that they should avoid having children since it presents a greater availability to a disability, and even if they had children, what does it matter to me? me? his thing,, the other consequences are social ones but you can avoid those, in short, incest is not bad if you are not caught. I have many opinions about taboos but they will look at me very strange if I say them, number 3: cambie de opinion respecto al 3


A discussion board for unpopular opinion debates: https://www.personality-database.com/topic/328567/unpopular-opinions
