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Anne DeLessio-Parson tipo de personalidade mbti

Anne DeLessio-Parson tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Anne DeLessio-Parson? Anne DeLessio-Parson es un tipo de personalidad ENFJ en mbti, 9w8 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

The lowest point an ENFJ can get. Claiming math is racist is so stupid that I thought it was a joke when I first saw that infamous video but I guess what else is to be expected to come out of sociology a science specifically created for retards and incapable rich kids so they can claim to have a meaningful profession but like modern art it is empty, devoid of meaning and therefire presents a great example of the general state of the western world.


Anne DeLessio-Parson is a sociology professor. She is also a renowned activist, demographer, and educator. Besides her teaching work, Anne also appears on various TV networks as a socio-political commentator. Anne takes a feminist and anti-racist stance through her work. She is vegan and during her time in La Plata, Argentina, she researched the effects of vegetarianism on society. She also undertook a research project in South India, where she also taught and studied yoga. When she teaches, DeLessio-Parson focuses her classes on students communicating with each other in order to keep them engaged and sharing knowledge. She also wants to encourage them to think about the structures they think in, as well as about equality.

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