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  3. Greco-Roman

Eos / Aurora tipo de personalidade mbti

Eos / Aurora tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Eos / Aurora? Eos / Aurora es un tipo de personalidad ENFP en mbti, 7w6 - sx/so - 749 en enneagram, SLUAI en Big 5, en Socionics."

I remember reading about how she did not only have an insatiable appetite for young men but would abduct them against their will, specifically like male gods commonly would do. That tells me she probably has 8 in her tritype, not 9. I'd say she's a 748. Not enough to swing her 7w6 over to a 7w8 of course. But I still think there is some 8 in there as opposed to 9.


The Titan goddess of the dawn, known as Aurora in the Roman pantheon. She either opens the gates for her brother Helios to ride out or harnesses his horses to the chariot. After sleeping with Ares, she was cursed by Aphrodite to have an unquenchable lust. She carried off a lot of men she fell in love with at first sight. Not everyone was happy with that, though. Cephalus was so vocal about wanting to return to his wife, Procris, she had to let him go. She didn't take it well, so she poisons his mind that Procris hadn't been faithful to him while he as gone. Despite her lust, she did have a proper divine husband/spouse. He just happens to be the god of dusk: Astraeus and he may or may not be in Tartarus. Besides being a Serial Rapist, she's mostly known for the myth of Tithonus (i.e. she makes him immortal and still aging, so much so he becomes either a wreck or a cricket) as the former role of dawn is to age you. Calypso mentions that Artemis killed Orion while he was having sex with Eos

Religião celebridade semelhante a Eos / Aurora
