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Xunzi tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Xunzi? Xunzi es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 1w9 - so/sp - en enneagram, RCOEI en Big 5, LSI en Socionics."

Senpai, watashi... 👉👈... uwu.... Daisuki!!!!!!!


Xunzi 荀子 (third century BCE) was a Confucian philosopher, sometimes reckoned as the third of the three great classical Confucians (after Confucius and Mencius). For most of imperial Chinese history, however, Xunzi was a bête noire who was typically cited as an example of a Confucian who went astray by rejecting Mencian convictions. Only in the last few decades has Xunzi been widely recognized as one of China’s greatest thinkers.

Religião celebridade semelhante a Xunzi
