The Flower That Swallowed The Beast tipo de personalidade mbti
Qual é o tipo de personalidade de seus personagens favoritos de The Flower That Swallowed The Beast?
The Flower That Swallowed The Beast
A bargain for her life, to escape a tragic future. When Iris Whittle is murdered by her sadistic husband, she is sent back in time to when she was 20 years old. As the unwanted daughter of a duke, Iris realizes she can leverage her status and foresight to secure a better life this time around. Thus, Iris makes a daring marriage proposal to the fearsome Count Keibrandt Green, the most eligible bachelor of Gavizar Empire, whose gruff and stern demeanor hides the fangs of a wolf.
Tipo de personalidade de The Flower That Swallowed The Beast caracteres
Quais caracteres The Flower That Swallowed The Beast são você e quais personagens melhor se encaixam em você baseado no tipo de personalidade MBTI?
Tipo de personalidade de The Flower That Swallowed The Beast atores
O que é o tipo de personalidade de The Flower That Swallowed The Beast atores? Os atores The Flower That Swallowed The Beast têm o mesmo tipo de personalidade que seus personagens.
Tipo de personalidade de The Flower That Swallowed The Beast criadores
Quais personalidades criadas The Flower That Swallowed The Beast?