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Lilianne Blanchett type de personnalité MBTI

Lilianne Blanchett type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Lilianne Blanchett? Lilianne Blanchett est un type de personnalité INFJ dans MBTI, 2w3 - sp/sx - 125 dans Enneagram, SLUAI dans Big 5, ESE dans Socionics."

In the beginning, she seemed like the average ENFX lovable character who would exhibit Ne. As I kept reading, she really demonstrated a lot of INFJ traits. Although I’m not very conclusive on the enneagram, her fear of not being loved by her big sister as she’s not the original runs deep, and so does her fear of being seen as not valuable i.e. by her sister not valuing her as one of her own and not being accepted by the academy for her magic. However, it may only be telling that she illustrates this due to her unwavering love for her sister (so cute). Her Ni is strong, and ofc as the readers we can see her thought processes behind everything. She processes information internally relating to her own ideas and concepts, not fully dependent on the reality. She’s adept at focusing on the future especially when dealing with her sister’s suitors and even her own at times. Fe is also evident as she’s more in tune with the emotions of those around her (except for the blond ml lol) and acts on it. She does have that bias towards her sister and how she’s observant to the reactions of those around her such as her sister’s friends. She’s always looking ahead and preserving her sister’s happiness and well-being in the future. Anyway that’s my long-winded analysis haha. feel free to comment your thoughts aswell!! <333


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