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Suzuha Amane type de personnalité MBTI

Suzuha Amane type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Suzuha Amane? Suzuha Amane est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 6w7 - so/sx - 628 dans Enneagram, SCUAI dans Big 5, LSI dans Socionics."

She seems like she's balanced between Ti and Fe, fighting for a shared value, but having her own logic on how it ought to be done. She seems to not be very interested in exploring abstract ideas like Okabe is, but is rather focused on the immediate demands of the physical world, while neglecting the abstract. She also definitely plays around a lot more in the physical world, exploring it and messing with it, as opposed to exploring the world of possibilities and abstract ideas, like Okabe does. Except for Beta Attractor Field Suzuha, I don't see inferior Fe. To be fair though, Beta Suzuha's conditions probably meant that her development of Fe was stunted. Growing up as a soldier without a mother would do that to you, along with relying more on her ISTP dad to raise her. Having that Fe influence from her mom Yuuki definitely gave her a more balanced development in the Alpha Attractor Field.


A friendly, athletic girl who loves cycling and works part-time at the Braun Tube Workshop below the lab. Suzuha often comes across as overly familiar, but in truth she maintains a carefully measured distance from everyone. When something captures her interest, however, Suzuha's personality changes dramatically and she becomes aggressive and relentless, meaning she is a really straight type of person. She is also perceptive, as shown in her ending when she realized that Rintaro was time leaping. Suzuha dislikes asking others for help, and will not reveal her own problems to anyone unless absolutely necessary. She also has a tendency to use uncommon or antiquated words in casual conversation.

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